Saturday, May 28, 2011

put it to use

Okay, so I never blog and I am really bad about updating our blog. But today I have decided that I am going to start using our blog. I have to admit right now that this "putting it to use" idea has come about because I was on Facebook yesterday and my cousin's wife (Nicole Tow) posted a picture of herself.... she has lost 106 pounds in about 1 year. Congrats to her! So, this is my new addiction..... reading her blog. I have started from day 1 and I'm trying to catch up! I am so inspired by her!

We are getting ready to start a new journey in our lives, as a family, and I am going to start getting healthy and blog! I have 25 pounds to lose and I am going to do it and I have lots of friends and family and I should keep them updated on our lives!

But first.... I must tell you a funny story about my husband.
Two years ago around Christmas time, my father-in-law and his family came out here to Denver to visit. While picking up some food at Sam's Club, to take out to the mountains, my darling husband found a fleece that he really wanted. So, of coarse, his father purchased it for him. Andre wore this fleece almost everyday! It became his "baby." About 8 months ago Andre left his new "love" at work (University Hospital). When he realized that he had forgotten it, he panicked! Unfortunately when he returned to the hospital, it was gone..... no where to be found.

Last night my lovely husband came home from work around 7:30pm, sat on the living room floor with his book bag and proceeded to tell me that he had found something at work that day. He then pulls out a BLACK fleece from his bag..... keep in mind that the fleece he had lost was BROWN. I ask, "Did you buy a new fleece?" He replies "no, but I found this one at work and I thought since I lost mine there that it would be okay to just take this one." ARE YOU KIDDING ME my lovely husband?

He was not happy with my response but has decided that it would be best to take it back and hope that the rightful owner is reunited with their loved fleece! I love my husband. He is still a little boy.

Just a little note for today! Hope you enjoy and the next time you see him, please ask about the fleece! :)

1 comment:

Katie {My Paisley Apron} said...

So glad you're going to be blogging!!!

Mother's Day 2011

Sofia and her cousins (Clayton and Collin)

Our new place in Atlanta

Sofia's First Time at the Beach - Puerto Rico

Sofia's 3 Month Old Pictures

Sofia's 3 Month Old Pictures

Helping mommy make lunch.

Helping mommy make lunch.
I was making lunch and turned around to see Sofia out like a light. How cute!

My nephews

My nephews
Clayton and Collin